Nominated in November 2021; Inducted in February 2022

Erin Blenkiron
Portland, OR
Erin is a teacher at the Northwest Academy and an instructor with CTY Online Programs. She motivates students by forging connections with them. Her approach to teaching is to show the “why” behind the math and to use metacognition to make sense of the work that’s being done. Above all, she believes that forging a connection with her students is critical to their success.

Jennifer Heather Buchman
Towson, MD
Jennifer is a teacher at Riderwood Elementary School. She motivates her students is by challenging them to “break the rules” on assignments, which can mean anything from changing the format of an assignment to changing the topic. As long as the standard is met, Jennifer allows her students’ creativity and curiosity to reign.

Leah Gutenson
Tuscaloosa, AL
Leah is an instructional designer at the University of Alabama and an instructor with CTY Online Programs. She believes that deeper learning is a collaborative process between instructor and student. She is committed to facilitating an open space where students’ voices are not only recognized, but championed.

Paul Jorgens
Palo Alto, CA
Paul is a teacher at Ellen Fletcher Middle School in Palo Alto, California. He believes the challenge to recognize the gifts and motivate our bright students is no different than the challenge to recognize the gifts and challenge our most disadvantaged students and he is invested in the learning of every student.

Erin Keith
Reno, NV
Erin is a lecturer at the University of Nevada, Reno and an instructor with CTY Online Programs. Erin's mission is to make sure students are not held back by their own beliefs about success. Noting that many women and other underserved populations do not come into STEM fields with the same confidence or freedom to fail as their counterparts, Erin feels a responsibility to build their confidence and alleviate the pressure they put on themselves.

Renita Spears
Redwood City, CA
Renita is a teacher at Sequoia High School. Her approach to teaching is to view young minds as open minds to be cultivated and understand that it takes humility on the part of a teacher to let go of preconceived notions of what teaching is. She believes that having a voice in their learning is a critical to student success and they must have the opportunity and the freedom to develop that voice.